4022 This version of PC MACLAN was not meant for this version of Windows.Contact Miramar Systems for information.
4023 AppleTalk Protocol
4024 Install PC MACLAN
4025 The AppleTalk Control Panel is running, you must exit it before continuing this installation.
4026 PC MACLAN Installer
4027 Miramar Systems' AppleTalk Settings
4028 PC MACLAN Console
4029 PC MACLAN Print Server
4030 An AppleTalk server (file or print) is currently running. You must close them before running this installer. If you have added them to the startup menu, they must be removed.
4031 GatorPro (32-bit)
4032 AppleTalk Printer Utilities
4033 One or more Miramar AppleTalk executables are running (AppleTalk Settings, GatorPro, AppleTalkPrinterUtilities). You must close them before running this installer.
4034 ..\MacOpener\Setup.exe
4044 Could not start the MacOpener installer.
4045 ..\PCMigrtr.enu\Install.exe
4046 Could not start the PC Migrator installer.
4047 PC MIGRTR %d
4048 ..\PCMigrtr.enu
4049 .\pmac
4050 ..\PCMigrtr.enu\Disk*
4051 \pmac
4052 .\pmac
4053 Could not start the PC MACLAN installer.
4054 \Disk*
6000 PC MACLAN v%s Installer
6001 Bad number of arguments
6002 Failed to copy "%s" to "%s"
6003 Could not find "%s"
6004 Out of memory
6005 User cancelled
6006 Please insert disk %d
6007 Failed to remove "%s"
6008 Do you really want to cancel the installation before it has completed (files already copied will remain)?
6009 A different version of "%s" exists and cannot be overwritten.You may need to uninstall a previous version of this software.
6010 Cannot create "%s", possibly due to insufficient disk space.
6011 You do not have administrative privileges, which are required to install network software.
6012 Administrators
6013 The entry for your installed software path is missing from the registry.Please reinstall PC MACLAN or contact Miramar Systems.
6014 Failed to completely remove "%s".You must restart your machine and then resume uninstall.